7 Steps to Creating an Impactful Presentation | Informed Young Leaders
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7 Steps to Creating an Impactful Presentation

  1. Pick a Subject You Are Passionate About: It could be an issue that you are passionate against just as well as an issue you strongly favor.
  2. Be Very Clear About Your Conclusion and Why It Matters So Much To You: Being able to clearly state and support your position will make it easier for the audience to ‘get’ you point(s).
  3. Support Your Argument With Fact-based Evidence: Bold assertions might catch the audience attention. A constant thread of facts will hold your audience. What are the most compelling facts that support your case.
  4. Know the Other side’s Argument and Counter It: Acknowledge that there may be a valid opposing point-of-view and address it head-on.
  5. Time and Timing Are Everything: Allow yourself plenty of time to research, write and practice your presentation. Practice delivering your presentation multiple times.
  6. Show Respect: Respect your subject — lean as much as you can about it. Respect the opposing viewpoint. Respect the process — give your presentation the time it deserves. Respect the audience — they’re there because they wasn’t to hear what you have to say, and they want you to succeed.
  7. Own Your Presentation: Own your content — you know it cold. Own the Space — you command the stage. Own the audience — you already have them on your side.